Caribbean Calcite healing properties - Shiny Crystals

Caribbean Calcite healing properties

Caribbean Calcite, a mesmerising gemstone with a serene blend of blue and white colours, offers a pathway to inner peace and emotional healing. Formed over millennia within the earth’s embrace, Caribbean calcite embodies a harmonious fusion of oceanic colors and calming energies, inviting seekers to explore its tranquil depths and find solace amidst life’s challenges.

What is Caribbean Calcite?

Caribbean Calcite is a semi-precious gemstone prized for its distinctive combination of blue and white colours. It forms through the crystallisation of calcium carbonate minerals, often in limestone or marble formations. The unique blend of minerals within Caribbean calcite gives it its characteristic appearance and soothing energies. Once formed, Caribbean calcite is carefully extracted and polished to reveal its natural beauty.

Where is Caribbean Calcite Found?

Caribbean Calcite deposits are discovered in various locations worldwide, including Pakistan, Peru, and the United States. These regions boast geological environments conducive to the formation of Caribbean calcite, resulting in the extraction of high-quality specimens for both commercial and artisanal purposes.

Healing Properties of Caribbean Calcite

Caribbean Calcite is revered for its multifaceted healing properties, offering comfort to the heart and clarity to the mind. Some commonly attributed healing properties of Caribbean calcite include:

Emotional Healing

As a stone of emotional healing and tranquility, Caribbean calcite soothes the emotional body and alleviates stress and anxiety. Its calming energies promote a sense of inner peace and harmony, facilitating emotional release and healing.

Communication and Expression

Caribbean Calcite resonates with the throat chakra, the centre of communication and self-expression. By harmonising the energies of this vital chakra, Caribbean calcite empowers individuals to speak their truth with clarity and conviction, fostering open and honest communication in all aspects of life.

Creativity and Inspiration

Caribbean Calcite serves as a muse for creativity and inspiration, stimulating the imagination and enhancing artistic expression. It encourages individuals to embrace their unique talents and creative vision, empowering them to manifest their dreams and aspirations with confidence.


Caribbean Calcite resonates deeply with the throat chakra, facilitating authentic expression and communication. By harmonising the energies of this vital energy centre, Caribbean calcite empowers individuals to speak their truth with clarity and compassion, fostering deeper connections with oneself and others.

Zodiac and Birthstone Associations

Caribbean Calcite is not traditionally associated with specific zodiac signs or birth months. However, its serene energies and soothing colors make it a universally appealing gemstone for anyone seeking emotional healing and inner peace.

How to Cleanse Caribbean Calcite

To cleanse and maintain the energetic integrity of Caribbean calcite, several methods can be employed:

Water Cleansing

Rinse Caribbean calcite under lukewarm running water or soak it briefly in a bowl of clean water to clear away negative energies. Pat dry gently with a soft cloth afterwards.

Sunlight or Moonlight Bath

Allow Caribbean calcite to absorb the cleansing energies of sunlight or moonlight to recharge its vibrational frequencies and rejuvenate its energy.

Earth Connection

Bury Caribbean calcite in soil or place it on the ground to facilitate grounding and connection with the earth’s natural energies.


Pass Caribbean calcite through the purifying smoke of sage, cedar, or palo santo to cleanse its energy and restore its natural vitality.

Sound Cleansing

Use sound vibrations from bells, singing bowls, or tuning forks to cleanse Caribbean calcite and realign its energetic field.

Intentional Visualisation

Hold Caribbean calcite in your hands and visualise a radiant light surrounding it, cleansing and revitalising its energy with positive intentions and affirmations.

Is Caribbean Calcite Water Safe?

Caribbean Calcite is generally safe to cleanse with water, but caution should be exercised to avoid prolonged exposure, especially for untreated or porous specimens. While Caribbean calcite is relatively durable, prolonged immersion in water may affect its stability and color intensity. It is advisable to use gentle cleansing methods, such as brief rinses or gentle soaking, followed by careful drying with a soft cloth to prevent any potential damage.

MOHs Scale

Caribbean Calcite typically ranges from 3 to 4 on the MOHs scale of mineral hardness, making it relatively soft compared to other gemstones. This moderate hardness allows Caribbean calcite to be fashioned into various jewelry pieces and ornamental items, but it also requires proper care to prevent scratches and damage from abrasion.

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