Crystal Energy Guide: March

March’s Guide

Welcome to the March edition of our crystal energy guide!

As we transition into the blooming energies of spring, March offers us an opportunity for renewal, growth, and awakening. Just as nature begins to stir from its winter slumber, so too can we harness the power of crystals to ignite our own inner transformation and alignment with the energies of the season. In this guide, we’ll explore five powerful crystals that resonate with the energies of March, each offering unique qualities to support us on our journey of self-discovery and manifestation.


As the birthstone of March, Aquamarine embodies the calming and soothing energies of the sea. Its gentle blue colour evokes a sense of tranquility and clarity, making it an ideal crystal for navigating the emotional waters of this transitional month. Aquamarine promotes communication, intuition, and spiritual awareness, helping us to express ourselves authentically and connect with our inner wisdom.


Known as the “stone of courage,” Bloodstone is a powerful ally for those seeking strength and resilience during times of change. Its deep green colour is associated with growth and vitality, while its specks of red symbolise passion and vitality. Bloodstone encourages us to ground ourselves in the present moment, release fear and self-doubt, and embrace our inner warrior as we navigate life’s challenges with grace and determination.


As we emerge from the darkness of winter, Citrine shines like a ray of golden sunshine, infusing our lives with warmth, optimism, and abundance. This radiant crystal is often referred to as the “merchant’s stone” for its association with prosperity and success. Citrine invites us to embrace our inner power, manifest our desires, and cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance as we welcome new opportunities and blessings into our lives.

Rose Quartz

With its soft pink colours and gentle, loving energy, Rose Quartz is the ultimate crystal for nurturing the heart and fostering deep emotional healing. As we transition into the season of renewal, Rose Quartz invites us to release past hurts, cultivate self-love and compassion, and open ourselves to the joy of giving and receiving love in all its forms.

Clear Quartz

As the master healer and amplifier of energy, Clear Quartz is an essential companion for anyone seeking clarity, focus, and spiritual alignment. Its pure, transparent nature reflects the light of our highest potential, guiding us on our journey of self-discovery and awakening. Clear Quartz purifies our energy field, enhances our intuition, and empowers us to manifest our dreams with unwavering clarity and intention.


As we journey through the energies of March, may these five crystals serve as powerful allies on your path to self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Whether you’re seeking clarity, courage, abundance, love, or spiritual alignment, there’s a crystal here to support you every step of the way. Embrace their magic, trust in their wisdom, and allow their energies to illuminate your path as you navigate the beautiful journey of life.