Self Care

Self Care for a Healthy Mind, Body and Soul

Do you ever forget to take care of yourself?

Even if you’re busy you can always find the time to take proper care of yourself. If you don’t, it won’t be long before you’re battered from exhaustion and operating in a mental fog where it’s hard to care about anything or anyone.

It’s the constant repetition of many tiny habits, which together soothe you and make sure you’re at your optimum—emotionally, physically, and mentally.

The best way to do this is to implement tiny self-care habits every day. To regularly include in your life a little bit of love and attention for your own body, mind, and soul.

Little and Often Wins the Day 🥰

With a little bit of attention to your own self-care, the fog will lift.

❤️You’ll feel more connected to yourself and the world around you.

❤️You’ll delight in small pleasures, and nothing will seem quite as difficult as it did before.

Incorporating a few of these tiny self-care ideas in your day will help keep you in tune.

Which one will you try first?

Self Care Ideas 🩷

  1. Go for a relaxing walk
  2. Try out a new recipe 
  3. Schedule personal self-care time each day
  4. Put on a homemade face mask
  5. Do one thing at a time.  Multi-tasking is a stressful road
  6. Watch a chick flick (or whatever type of movie you like best)
  7. Listen to your favourite music.  Sing. Especially if no one is around. Nevermind if you are off key.  And even if people are around, singing is part of what makes us human!
  8. Read a book just for fun, just for yourself
  9. Enjoy a long, hot, bubble bath with candles (one of the best self-care ideas assuming you have a bath)
  10. Schedule 5 – 10 minute “play” breaks during the work day.  You can do anything fun and non-work-related during this time.  For example, you could spend 5 minutes coloring while listening to music you really like.  This all depends on your job, of course
  11. Go to a spa
  12. Order in dinner.  Or take a cooking class if you like cooking.  Or try out a new and bold recipe (if you enjoy cooking).
  13. Sew, knit, crochet, cross-stitch, or quilt. If you want to, you can start a group that meets weekly at a local coffee shop for a stitching group, thus giving yourself an evening out, an opportunity to meet new people, and a chance to enjoy a relaxing stitching session all in one…
  14. Do beading and/or jewellery-making or any other craft you love
  15. Do puzzles
  16. Enjoy chocolate 
  17. Go to the library.  For the books, for the ambiance, for people-watching, to get out of the house, and the list of reasons goes on…
  18. Colour. It is one of the most fashionable self-care ideas these days
  19. Hug someone you love or a beloved pet
  20. Relax outside
  21. Relax inside
  22. Volunteer in the community in a way that is meaningful, energising, and challenging
  23. Become a “tourist” in your own town, State, Province, or Country.  Explore your environment.  Find its beauty.  Discover its secrets
  24. Make a lunch date with a close friend
  25. Be mindful - at the core of mindfulness is the idea of being physically, mentally, and emotionally present with your feelings.  It takes time and practice to learn to be with and accept your own feelings
  26. Unplug!!! Plan to spend a certain length of time each day disconnected from the internet, the computer, my phone, my television, and all artificial distractions. After the length of time has elapsed, journal about what this experience was like and whether it is something you would like to plan to do regularly
  27. Read poetry.  It is better to read it out loud.  Note any interesting quotes or ideas that come from the poem
  28. Attend church services.  Keep seeking until you find a church that meshes well with your beliefs.  (If you do not believe, this one may not be for you — although the Unitarians, for example, accept people of all beliefs, even atheists — so, if you want to go to church, there is no reason not to go.)
  29. Refresh yourself with mindfulness: have a three minute mini-meditation session in the middle of your day: one minute of awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations followed by one minute of concentrating on your “belly breathing”, and one minute of considering how the whole body feels
  30. Exercise (of your choice)
  31. Attend a caring support group.  Or make new friends by attending a local event
  32. Practice diaphragmatic breathing aka “belly breathing”
  33. Do stretching exercises, yoga, or tai chi for relaxation
  34. Head for the water… Go for a swim, scuba diving, wading, relaxing in a pool, or boating
  35. Meet a friend at the swimming pool, lake, or ocean instead of going for coffee.  It is very relaxing to float and chat (or even to float in silent companionship)
  36. Go to an aquafit class
  37. Scratch one nagging item off the list: Write a “to-do” list if you don’t already have one.  Find the item that annoys you the most and do it
  38. Make a list of your positive qualities in your journal, starting with “I am…” on each line and listing as many as you can think of…
  39. Keep track of compliments in your journal.  Often, we might overlook or downplay the wonderful things that people say to us to the point that we might even forget what they said.  By documenting these things, you can read them later and enjoy.  (Career tip: it is also a good idea to keep a log of your achievements and all the things you have learned because this is not only an ego boost, but is your ally in earning stellar job performance reviews.)
  40. Receive a massage.  If you cannot afford a massage, consider going to a massage school.  For half the price, you can have a massage from a massage student
  41. Journal a reflection around the idea of “I appreciate…”.  To do this, set a timer for 15, 25, 0r 45 minutes.  Then write “I appreciate…” and keep writing (uncensored — no erasing, no judging) until I feel stuck.  Then write “I appreciate…” and keep going.  Repeat until the timer rings.  A fdw of these self-care ideas involve doing journal reflections or timed writing exercises
  42. Write your thoughts, feelings, ideas, hopes, and dreams in a personal journal
  43. Get sporty... Attend an athletic event
  44. Belly dancing.  Dancing that is even better when you have a belly…
  45. Go to a foreign movie
  46. A good glass of wine at the end of the day (for those who drink)
  47. See a counsellor, life coach, or pastor to work through life’s challenges
  48. Watch the sunrise
  49. Watch the sunset
  50. Laugh 😆💞