Crystals: Setting Your Intentions - Shiny Crystals

Crystals: Setting Your Intentions

Intention Setting

An intention setting practice is a powerful ritual that can help you achieve a happier and more fulfilling life. Intentions are, simply put, the things we want in our life. This can be money, deeper spiritual connection, romantic relationship, confidence,  better health, and so on.

We all want something in our life but we don’t really sit down and define it regularly. When we just keep our intentions at the back of our heads, we are telling the universe that they are not really important to us.

An intention setting practice is a promise to yourself. You are telling yourself that you are working on becoming better and it is not going to be easy. Defining your intentions require you to identify the change you want to create in your life. This act alone makes your desires and goals extremely clear to you and can already bring a moment of enlightenment.

However, an intention setting practice goes beyond the a-ha moment. Setting up a regular practice where you revisit your intentions every day moves you from a contemplative state to a proactive participant in your dream life journey.

Starting your day by setting your intentions creates clarity in your life. It gives you a goal to work towards. It makes you highly conscious of your actions throughout the day so you spend less time on activities that don’t benefit you.

How to Set Your Intentions with your Crystals

Crystals are great visual reminders to amplify the power of your intentions. Each crystal stone imbibes different energy. Rose quartz attracts love. Amazonite inspires courage. Citrine seeks happiness. There is no need to choose a crystal based on its healing properties. Instead, let your intuition guide you.

When picking a crystal, let yourself be drawn to the color, shape, or vibration that pulls you in. Don’t overthink. We are naturally attracted to crystals containing energy we subconsciously want to invite into our lives.

During your intention setting practice, hold your crystal in your dominant hand and say your intentions out loud. You want the universe to hear you, not your neighbors. Repeat your intentions to yourself and fully attach this message with your crystal.

Every time you see your crystal, it should remind you of your intention. Place your crystal within sight or carry it in your pocket. The easiest way is to wear your crystal as a bracelet or a necklace so that you are always reminded of your intentions.

Using crystals or healing stones in your intention setting routine connects you to specific energy and guides you in your journey to self-improvement. You can use your crystals to help you get through your doubts, worries, and anxieties along the way.

Crystals draw your focus back to your intentions, magnifying your thoughts and helping them manifest quicker. They are an easy and beneficial addition to your meditation and intention setting ritual.

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